Can we get rid of stretch marks?

Stretch marks appear as a result of two factors: increased pressure on the skin (stretching linked to weight gain or pregnancy) and the overproduction of hormones, often during puberty or pregnancy. The skin loses some of its elasticity and firmness. White ridges appear on the surface of the skin, these are stretch marks. It’s often difficult to get rid of these unattractive little fissures such as pregnancy stretch marks. Targeted beauty care however, can contribute to softening these pregnancy or other stretch marks and making them less visible.

How are stretch marks formed?
Stretch marks look like little scars on the surface of the skin. To begin with, they are a mix of red and purple. Over time they turn into white ridges. Anti-stretch mark treatments re-establish the elasticity of the skin. To better preserve your skin and prevent pregnancy stretch marks, for instance, from getting worse, apply Tonic Body Treatment Oil. It aims to conserve the firmness and tone of the skin to prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

How to soften stretch marks?
The best way to fight against pregnancy stretch marks is to prevent their development. To do this, try to avoid a yo-yo effect with your weight by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and by doing regular physical activity. So even with a baby on its way, you can start avoiding pregnancy stretch marks weeks before birth by using the adequate products and by making sure vitamins take care of your skin, from breasts to belly. The plant extracts in Stretch Mark Control increase the production of collagen fibres. This stimulates the elasticity and firmness of the skin, which then becomes soft, tight and smooth.

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